Redesign our working approaches with Design Thinking

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Réinventer notre façon de travailler avec le #DesignThinking

The Design Thinking  approach targets any business problems with empathy, open mind and efficiency

The Design Thinking process is flexible enough to be adapted to any context, environment or culture. It can be learned in a few days and needs no specific technical knowledge.

Practicing  Design Thinking means adopting a teamwork mode where every participant finds his place, does practical exercises permanently, learn by doing and thrives all time.  

Using  Design Thinking in an organization establishes an efficient collaboration to realize all tasks needing to think of a business problem, ask the right questions and looks to the problem from different perspectives in the same time.  

Unfolding a  Design Thinking process engages all the problem’s stakeholders from the beginning, understand their needs, listen to their irritants and apprehend their inspirations. This creates a strong link that brings-up its fruits rapidly during the design and implementation of the solution.

Design Thinking can be used to create a compelling business strategy, design an enhanced user experience, create a new product or service, capture users hidden business needs, scope a project with the existing resources, plan a change management with stakeholders or simply innovate in existing business.

Solutions found with Design Thinking are created mutually with stakeholders, validated by stakeholders and implemented with the help of stakeholders. This reduces significantly development cost, uses at most available resources and decreases to the minimum the resistance to change.

Succeeding in implementing Design Thinking in an organization is based on management sponsor, participants’ engagement and everyone’s open mind.

“Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution”

Albert Einstein

#designthinking coach

Karim NAFIE. Trainer, Coach & Design Thinker. Passionate about Design Thinking and certified from the Hasso Plattner Institute – School Of Design Thinking Potsdam (Germany), I founded Novalist Thinking to help customers design innovative solutions for their markets through empathy & team working. To know more about it …  visit my LinkedIn page