
© Copyright – HPI School of Design Thinking

Training Design Thinking

Novalist Thinking provides organizations with the creation and facilitation of Design Thinking training workshops, as well as consulting and coaching services. 

The aim is to create a familiar, user-friendly framework, enabling organizations to build rapid and efficient growth based on the pre-existing experience and knowledge of multidisciplinary, cross-hierarchical teams within the organization’s ecosystem.

This support allows organizations to focus less on how to approach their business challenges, and more on solving them quickly and efficiently.

Focus areas

  • Information Systems & Information Technology (IS/IT)
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • Product and Service Development (R&D)
  • Enterprise Development (Lean Startup & Lean Business Model Canvas)
  • Innovation Marketing and Brand Communication (MARCOM)
  • Customer and User Experience Design (CX/UX)
  • Human Resources and Employee Experience  (HR/UX)
  • Change Management (CM)

Novalist Thinking offers support services to organizations facing complex business challenges. Our role is to orchestrate the project team’s collaboration and facilitate the creation of a prototype as a project deliverable. The prototype will then be tested by all relevant users and stakeholders... Read more

Novalist Thinking  offers a complete training path for the Design Thinking methodology, enabling participants to understand and utilize its best practices in their everyday work. This training path is delivered in-person, but certain sessions can be adapted to a remote or mixed (blended) environment depending on the organization’s needs Read more

Novalist Thinking Clients

Novalist Thinking offers coaching services for Design Thinking workshops created and hosted by third-parties. Coaching services can be delivered in-person, remote, or in a mixed/blended environment, according to the needs of the organizationRead more


Novalist Thinking offers support services to Project Managers and Project Directors. We design a custom Design Thinking project composed of the following steps:

  • Understand and analyze the users’ business needs
  • Create the multidisciplinary project team
  • Design and organize the workshops
  • Provide the necessary knowledge to implement the results

The role of Novalist Thinking is to orchestrate the project team’s collaboration and facilitate the creation of a prototype of the final solution.The prototype will then be tested by all relevant users and stakeholders.

It will provide a solid foundation on which business and industry experts can build the final operational solution with a corresponding project management methodology, such as Agile, Lean Management, or Blue Ocean (see the Gartner reportEnterprise Architects Combine Design Thinking, Lean Startup and Agile to Drive Digital Innovation25 June 2019).

Novalist Thinking Consulting Services can thus be seamlessly integrated into the development of any project, as it compliments the expertise of all disciplines. 

We focus particularly on the early engagement of all relevant stakeholders, minimizing the gap between what is expected by users and what is delivered by the project team, and reducing waste in time, human labor, and financial resources.    

Novalist Thinking has experience with Design Thinking projects in a variety of  business domains, for example :

  • Information Systems & Information Technology (IS/IT) Identify the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of a project
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Design a Corporate Social Responsibility plan
  • Product and Service Development (R&D) Design a new product or service
  • Enterprise Development (Lean Startup & Lean Business Model Canvas)Create & update a Lean Business Model Canvas in a post-crisis or growth context, Simplify and optimize the organization’s processes
  • Innovation Marketing and Brand Communication (MARCOM) Create an innovative and differentiated marketing strategy, Design the brand platform
  • Customer and User Experience Design (CX/UX)Analyze and transform the customer experience, Design a relational signature, Design a digital user journey 
  • Human Resources and Employee Experience (HR/UX) Optimize training effectively through digitization, Engage employees throughout the on-boarding process

Change Management (CM) Plan the integration following a reorganization, merger, or acquisition, Motivate and involve employees.

Formation Design Thinking


Novalist Thinking has created a complete certification path enabling participants to learn, practice, and master Design Thinking in their unique organizational and business context.

This path is composed of the following training classes:  

  • Discover Design Thinking Workshop (2 days) – The goal is to learn Design Thinking fundamentals and experience a Design thinking engagement. At the end of this workshop participants will understand the basics of Design Thinking and will get a first look at how it can be used to solve a simple problem.
  • Practice Design Thinking in an Organization Workshop (2 days) –  The goal is to master the steps of the Design Thinking process and target a problem in the context of a business. At the end of this workshop participants will be able to use Design Thinking to effectively solve a problem within their organization.
  • Integrate Design Thinking in an Organization Workshop (2 days) – The goal is to be able to facilitate Design Thinking workshops independently in an organization. At the end of this workshop the participants will be able to organize and coach Design Thinking workshops specific to their own organizations.    

All workshops can be customized to the culture of the organization or country in order to simplify understanding, learning, and implementation of the Design Thinking mindset.  

Novalist Thinking provides flexible training formats (in-person, remote or mixed/blended.)

Novalist Thinking is available to work with (Qualiopi or others) certified organizations  to manage the financing of trainings.


Novalist Thinking provides services for:

  • Design Thinking Coaching
  • Team Building Exercises
  • Collaborative Intelligence Practices
  • Change Management  Engagement
  • Corporate Meeting Moderation
  • Innovation Management


All services can be delivered  in-person, remotely or in a mixed/blended mode according to the organization’s needs.