Design Thinking

© Copyright – HPI School of Design Thinking

Design Thinking  is a collaborative intelligence approach that structures the work of multidisciplinary teams in order to solve complex problems and business challenges. 


Created in 1980 and developed since 2005 by Tim Brown & David Kelley,  professors at the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, Stanford (known as the Stanford, Design Thinking is a Human-Centered Design methodology based on the collaborative and iterative co-creation approach of ‘Learning By Doing’.

Although Design Thinking was initially designed to generate solutions for ‘wicked’ problems and innovation think tanks, it can be used to address many business and organizational issues as well (eg. Strategy Management, Human Resources, Change Management, Logistics, Quality Management, Project Management, Operational Excellence, Learning & Training, Marketing & Communications, etc.).

Any issue that requires multiple stakeholders, efficient multi-disciplinary teamwork, or simply just prototype generation can be addressed with this methodology at minimal risk and an affordable price. 

There are three main phases in a Design Thinking process: Inspiration, Ideation, and Implementation.

