Enhance our work environment with Design Thinking

© Copyright – HPI School of Design Thinking

In the current economic climate… our work environment comes under severe stress. We have to do more with less, go faster without knowing the way and to keep moving in changing environments.

Our work becomes heavier, less interesting and more stressful; a chore more than anything.

Younger generations are suffering too as they often find themselves without mentors to share experiences, facilitate learning and accelerate integration

They are constantly facing mountains of complexities without knowing the reason, are poorly listened to. Less interested so they end up demotivated

Some think it is enough to employ the highest achievers from the best schools; offer them attractive salaries and well-defined careers but that’s not knowing them well.

It is no longer possible to attract young people with these arguments only, more is needed. Young people are looking for freedom, joviality, creativity but above all for meaning.

Engaging people and opening the door to their contribution; motivates them to share the best of their experience and make things move forward.

With a goodwill, simple resources, a minimum investment; it is possible to improve our work environment and to evolve it for the better for people and organizations.

You want to know how? follow us on social media and learn more about it

It is your attitude and aptitude that will determine your altitude” Zig Zagler

#designthinking coach

Karim NAFIE. Trainer, Coach & Design Thinker. Passionate about #Design Thinking and certified from the Hasso Plattner Institute – School Of Design Thinking Potsdam (Germany), I founded Novalist Thinking to help customers design innovative solutions for their markets through empathy & team working. To know more about it …  visit my LinkedIn page