Design Thinking, why it succeeds?

© Copyright – HPI School of Design Thinking

Design Thinking is a human-centered Workgroup methodology. It is a style of thinking issued by designers and adapted to the business world.

Design Thinking can be considered as an innovative method for project management that is economically viable, technically feasible and before all humanly desirable.

Design Thinking is based on the combination of empathy for a problems’ context, creativity in generating ideas and rationality in the choice of adapted solutions.

We always embrace scientific approach to solve problems (problem-oriented methodology)

We focus on the problem to find a solution based on our experience (Logic + Data = Proof of success). This approach often needs much time, effort and resources

Design Thinking adopts a designer approach (solution-oriented methodology) which introduces stakeholders’ emotions in the equation (Logic + Data + Emotion = Prof of success)

Design Thinking directs towards the creation of a simple solution then tests it with real users and updates it in order to approach very rapidly the suitable solution.

Design Thinking has multiple benefits, it;

  • Helps organizations gain efficiency and simplicity in their working methods
  • Positions end user or customer at the center of its interest
  • Establishes a collaborative approach and spirit among employees
  • Enables organizations to capitalize on the know-how and experience of their employees
  • Adopts a proactive approach against organization’s challenges (Sanitary, Sustainability, Numeric transformation, BIGDATA, Change management, Internet Of Things, …..)
  • Endorses innovation as a growth factor and an open gate towards new users and markets
  • Trains organizations’ teams to collaborate with empathy, cooperate with enthusiasm and get a highly developed sense of the final customer.

“The greatest failure, is to have never tried”
Marie Joseph Henry Grouès (L’abbé Pierre)

#designthinking coachKarim NAFIE. Trainer, Coach & Design Thinker. Passionate about Design Thinking and certified from the Hasso Plattner Institute – School Of Design Thinking Potsdam (German),I founded Novalist Thinking to help customers design innovative solutions for their markets through empathy & team working. To know more about it …  visit my LinkedIn page