Why this blog ?

© Copyright – HPI School of Design Thinking

”There are leaders and there are those who lead. Leaders hold a position of power or influence. Those who lead inspire us”
Simon Sinek, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action.

After spending years around the world in the IT software & Hardware Industry, where I had multiple activities in many countries, I realized that achievements and progress cannot be done only through a good software, a reliable hardware or even a talented project manager.

I understood that a good team, composed of motivated members, working together in an organized way, building on their everyday observations and life experience; is the most differentiating element.

Some will think of the “DreamTeam” based on the most talented individuals graduated from the highest quote schools and having climbed all steps in organizations as the only solution, but I am speaking of another team.

A team of employees from all jobs, all profiles, all ages, sexes, in the organization. People that we meet every day, people that struggled to do their job, fought for their principles, accumulated experience in every step and are opened to share their ideas and inspirations.

That’s exactly what I have found when I discovered Design Thinking years ago. I found in it what I have always believed in, did and fought for my whole life.

I realized that it brings the approach, the methodology and the culture to “Collaborative Intelligence”. It enables any organization to smartly use the talent of its employees to build in-house solutions to answer the organization’s challenges while respecting time and ressources with an affordable price.

Imagine a company that have to address a business challenge and will create several teams of its employees, suppliers, partners and even customers. Then they start addressing this challenge and prototyping it. It will thus make the most difficult, that is creating a mature prototype of the solution that is “technically feasible, economically viable but before useful and desirable by target users”.

Of course, experts have their place in these teams and their role in transforming this prototype to a final solution and ensure all respect of standards, usages and best practices. The result would definitely be amazing.

I was completely passionate about Design Thinking, that I decided to make of it my approach to change the world, to a more collaborative, more sustainable and more desirable place.

I created Novalist Thinking to help organizations capture the value of Design Thinking, adopt it and make of it the basis of every human interaction inside and outside their organization.

I created this blog, to write about my passion, to share my experience with others and to spread the Design Thinking culture everywhere.

I destinate this blog to anyone convinced by collaboration, opened to learn and willing to share his knowledge about Design Thinking.

I invite everyone who believes in what I believe, to help me do it, use it and build on it through my social medias (LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram).

#designthinking coach

Karim NAFIE. Trainer, Coach & Design Thinker. Passionate about Design Thinking and certified from the Hasso Plattner Institute – School Of Design Thinking Potsdam (Germany), I founded Novalist Thinking to help customers design innovative solutions for their markets through empathy & team working. To know more about it …  Visit my LinkedIn page